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Prof. Anke Lindner

PMMH-ESPCI/Université Paris Cité (France)

TitleDynamics of rigid and flexible fibers in complex flows

Prof. Anke Lindner
Anke Lindner is a professor of physics at Paris University, France and performs her research at the PMMH laboratory of the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie (ESPCI), Paris. She obtained her PhD from the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris in 2000 working on interfacial instabilities in complex fluids. She has then worked as a consultant at McKinsey and Company, in Zurich, Switzerland and as a Post-Doctoral fellow at ESPCI. Her current research activities concern the flow of complex fluids, ranging from active matter, to suspensions and biofluids and her experimental group uses original microfabrication, microflow and particle tracking techniques to investigate fluid-structure interactions in viscous flows. She has recently been awarded an ERC consolidator grant and became a fellow of the APS-DFD in November 2019. She is the Maurice Couette award winner of the French Society of Rheology 2019 and received the silver medal of the CNRS in 2021. In 2024 she was nominated as a member of the Institut Universitaire de France.
Fiber suspensions flowing in structured media are encountered in many biological and industrial systems. Due to their finite size and elongation, complex dynamics are observed when fibers are transported in spatially varying flows, even at small Reynolds numbers. The presence of bounding walls or obstacles modifies trajectories due to wall friction or the possibility of fiber obstacle contact. When fibers become deformable, an additional degree of freedom is added, resulting in complex morphologies and modified transport properties. Here we investigate these dynamics using microfluidic model systems with a special focus on particle separation.